Field Equations for Thermoelastic Bodies With Uniform Symmetry
ChaoChen Wang
Not Available
On Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators
Deployable Structures
S Pellegrino
Mechanics of Random and Multiscale Microstructures
D Jeulin and 2 more
Mixing and Dispersion in Flows Dominated by Rotation and Buoyancy
H J H Clercx and 1 more
Vibrations of Continuous Systems
Eberhard Brommundt
Laser Cinematography of Explosions
Antoni K Oppenheim and 1 more
Rotational Dynamics of Orbiting Gyrostats
Robert Roberson and 2 more
Dynamics of Flexible Spacecraft
PW Likins and 2 more
Controlled and Conditioned Invariance
Giuseppe Basile
Coding for Markov Sources
Giuseppe Longo
Physiological Fluid Mechanics
James Lighthill
Linear Adaptive Decision Functions and Their Application to Clinical Decision
Arnost Vesely and 1 more
Random Vibrations
JD Robson and 3 more
Magneto — Thermoelasticity
Heinz Parkus
The Linear Theory of Thermoelasticity
IN Sneddon
Nonlinear Thermoelasticity
Rastko Stojanovic
Foundations of the Mathematical Theory of Structures
ER de Arantes e Oliveira
Structural Dynamics
BM Fraeijs de Veubeke and 3 more
Introductory Lectures on the Finite Element Method
Olgierd C Zienkiewicz
Periodic Optimization
Angelo Marzollo
Quantitative-Qualitative Measure of Information
Guiseppe Longo
Lectures on Wiener and Kalman Filtering
T Kailath
Finite Elements Methods Via Tensors
Hayrettin Kardestuncer
Combinatorial Search Problems
Gyula Katona
Lectures on Radiating Gasdynamics
Carlo Ferrari
Micropolar Elasticity
W Nowacki and 1 more
Theory of Bilinear Dynamical Systems
Antonio Ruberti and 2 more
Rock Mechanics
Leopold Müller and 2 more
Advances in Source Coding
Toby Berger and 1 more
A Theory of Elasticity With Microstructure for Directionally Reinforced Composites
JD Achenbach
Controllability and Optimization
The General and Restricted Problems of Three Bodies
Victor Szebehely
Forced Linear Vibrations
PC Müller and 1 more
Topics in Combinatorial Optimization
S Rinaldi
Matrix Analysis of Discrete Elastic Systems
Selected Topics in Information Theory
G Longo
A Short Course on Error Correcting Codes
NJA Sloane
Cooperative and Non-Cooperative Many Players Differential Games
George Leitmann
Paolo Serafini and 3 more
Discrete Field Analysis of Structural Systems
Donald L Dean
Multicriteria Decision Making
G Leitmann and 1 more
Introduction to Structural Optimization
W Prager
Coding and Complexity
G Longo and 1 more
Limit Analysis and Rheological Approach in Soil Mechanics
G de Josselin de Jong and 1 more
Invariantive Mechanics
O Onicescu
Information Theory New Trends and Open Problems
Selected Topics and Applications of Tensor Analysis
Zlatko Jankovic
Discrete Mechanics A Unified Approach
H Kardestuncer
Mechanical Waves in Solids
J Mandel and 1 more
Thermomechanics in Solids
Rarefied Gas Flows Theory and Experiment
W Fiszdon
Random Excitation of Structures by Earthquakes and Atmospheric Turbulence
Nonlinear Dynamics of Elastic Bodies
Z Wesolowski
Foundations of Micropolar Thermoelasticity
Cemal Eringen
Postbuckling Behavior of Structures
Maria Esslinger and 1 more
Structural Optimization
P Brousse
Stability of Elastic Structures
HHE Leipholz
Polarization Gradient in Elastic Dielectrics
RD Mindlin
Thin Shell Theory
W Olszak
Plasticity in Structural Engineering, Fundamentals and Applications
Ch Massonnet and 2 more
Theory of Micropolar Elasticity
Witold Nowacki
Limit of the Spinning Process in Manufacturing Synthetic Fibers
G Manfre
Topics in Artificial Intelligence
A Marzollo
Algebraic Coding
Giuseppe Longo and 1 more
Theory of Couple-Stresses in Bodies With Constrained Rotations
Marek Sokolowski
Dynamical Systems and Microphysics
A Blaquiere and 3 more
Recent Developments in Thermomechanics of Solids
G Lebon
Biomechanics of Motion
A Morecki
New Physical Trends in Experimental Mechanics
JT Pindera
Multi-User Communication Systems
Analysis and Design of Algorithms in Combinatorial Optimization
Giorgio Ausiello
Nonlocal Theory of Material Media
D Rogula
Recent Developments in the Theory of Polar Continua
Arteries and Arterial Blood Flow
C M Rodkiewicz
Identification of Vibrating Structures
HG Natke
Dynamics of Rotors
O Mahrenholtz
Dynamics of High-Speed Vehicles
WO Schiehlen
Rock Fracture Mechanics
HP Rossmanith
Noise Generation and Control in Mechanical Engineering
POAL Davies and 2 more
Theoretical Acoustics and Numerical Techniques
P Filippi
Secure Digital Communications
A Survey of Algebraic Coding Theory
Elwyn R Berlekamp
Singular Perturbations in Systems and Control
MD Ardema
The Constitutive Law in Thermoplasticity
T Lehmann
Continuum Theory of the Mechanics of Fibre-Reinforced Composites
AJM Spencer
Case Histories in Offshore Engineering
G Maier
Algorithm Design for Computer System Design
Giorgio Ausiello and 2 more
Hydrodynamics of Lakes
K Hutter
Abelian Groups and Modules
R Göbel and 3 more
Unilateral Problems in Structural Analysis
Gianpietro Del Piero
Mathematics of Multi Objective Optimization
P Serafini
Channel Coding Theory
I Csiszar
Static and Dynamic Photoelasticity and Caustics
A Lagarde
Biomechanics of Engineering
Adam Morecki
Applications of Tensor Functions in Solid Mechanics
JP Boehler
Kinetic Theory and Gas Dynamics
C Cercignani
Information Complexity and Control in Quantum Physics
A Blaquiere and 2 more
Continuum Damage Mechanics Theory and Application
Dusan Krajcinovic and 1 more
Rotordynamics 2
Neville F Rieger
Chaotic Motions in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
Wanda SzemplinskaStupnicka and 2 more
Mathematical Programming Methods in Structural Plasticity
D Lloyd Smith
Information Theory and Reliable Communication
Robert Gallager
Advances in Computational Nonlinear Mechanics
IS Doltsinis
Finite Element and Boundary Element Techniques from Mathematical and Engineering Point of View
E Stein and 1 more
Nonsmooth Mechanics and Applications
JJ Moreau and 1 more
Analysis and Estimation of Stochastic Mechanical Systems
Werner Schiehlen and 1 more
Unilateral Problems in Structural Analysis — 2
G Del Piero and 1 more
Selected Papers on the Teaching of Mathematics as a Service Subject
RR Clements and 2 more
Operations Research Models in Flexible Manufacturing Systems
F Archetti and 2 more
Issues on Machine Vision
GG Pieroni
Structural Optimization Under Stability and Vibration Constraints
M Zyczkowski
Time and Frequency Representation of Signals and Systems
General Theory of Noiseless Channels
Crack Dynamics in Metallic Materials
JR Klepaczko
Numerical Methods and Constitutive Modelling in Geomechanics
Chandrakant S Desai and 1 more
Geometries, Codes and Cryptography
Nonlinear Fracture Mechanics
MP Wnuk
Nonlinear Waves in Real Fluids
A Kluwick
Advanced Problems in Bridge Construction
G Creazza and 1 more
Reliability Problems
F Casciati and 1 more
Modelling Macroscopic Phenomena at Liquid Boundaries
W Kosinski and 1 more
Engineering Applications of Dynamics of Chaos
W SzemplinskaStupnicka and 1 more
Source Coding Theory
Methodology, Implementation and Applications of Decision Support Systems
A Lewandowski and 2 more
Progress in Computational Analysis of Inelastic Structures
E Stein
Stability Problems of Steel Structures
M Ivanyi and 1 more
Adaptive Signal Processing
LD Davisson and 1 more
Shape and Layout Optimization of Structural Systems and Optimality Criteria Methods
GIN Rozvany
Bifurcation and Stability of Dissipative Systems
QS Nguyen
Nonlinear Analysis of Shells by Finite Elements
Franz G Rammerstorfer
Rotating Fluids in Geophysical and Industrial Applications
EJ Hopfinger
The Evaluation of Materials and Structures by Quantitative Ultrasonics
Modeling of Defects and Fracture Mechanics
G Herrmann
Evaluation of Global Bearing Capacities of Structures
G Sacchi Landriani and 1 more
Development of Knowledge-Based Systems for Engineering
Carlo Tasso and 1 more
Stochastic Approach to Fatigue
K Sobczyk
Wind-Excited Vibrations of Structures
H Sockel
Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics With Application to Solids
W Muschik
Continuum Mechanics in Environmental Sciences and Geophysics
Eurocode '92
P Camion and 2 more
Dynamic Motion
F Casciati
Nonlinear Waves in Solids
A Jeffrey and 1 more
Computerized Symbolic Manipulation in Mechanics
Edwin Kreuzer
Stability and Wave Propagation in Fluids and Solids
Giovanni Galdi
Passive and Active Structural Vibration Control in Civil Engineering
TT Soong and 1 more
Modelling and Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures for Dynamic Loading
Christian Meyer
Advances in Database Systems
J Paredaens and 1 more
Engineering Mechanics of Fibre Reinforced Polymers and Composite Structures
J Hult and 1 more
Waves and Instabilities in Plasmas
F Cap
Visco-Plastic Behaviour of Geomaterials
ND Cristescu and 1 more
Shape Memory Alloys
M Fremond and 1 more
Diagnostics of Rotating Machines in Power Plants
G Diana
Eddy Structure Identification
JP Bonnet
Summation Theorems in Structural Stability
T Tarnai
Crack and Contact Problems for Viscoelastic Bodies
GAC Graham and 1 more
Steel Plated Structures
Protection of the Architectural Heritage Against Earthquakes
V Petrini and 1 more
Lectures on the Theory of Exothermic Flows Behind Shock Waves
Gorimir G Cherny
Kinematics and Dynamics of Multi-Body Systems
J Angeles and 1 more
Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators
A Morecki and 2 more
Proceedings of the ISSEK94 Workshop on Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Artificial Intelligence
G Della Riccia and 2 more
Advanced Methods for Groundwater Pollution Control
Guiseppe Gambolati and 1 more
Data Acquisition and Analysis for Multimedia GIS
L Mussio and 2 more
New Design Concepts for High Speed Air Transport
H Sobieczky
Arch Dams
Jose O Pedro
Mechanics of Solids With Phase Changes
M Berveiller and 1 more
Control of Flow Instabilities and Unsteady Flows
GEA Meier and 1 more
Shock Waves in Real Gases
Tatiana V Bazhenova
Flow of Particles in Suspensions
U Schaflinger
Discrete Structural Optimization
W Gutkowski
Topology Optimization in Structural Mechanics
Human and Machine Locomotion
A Morecki and 1 more
Large Plastic Deformation of Crystalline Aggregates
Cristian Teodosiu
Continuum Micromechanics
P Suquet
Fractals and Fractional Calculus in Continuum Mechanics
Alberto Carpinteri and 1 more
Coupled Instabilities in Metal Structures
Jacques Rondal
Antonio Castellanos
Learning, Networks and Statistics
Giacomo Della Riccia and 2 more
New Developments in Contact Problems
Peter Wriggers and 1 more
Behaviour of Granular Materials
Bernard Cambou
Localization and Fracture Phenomena in Inelastic Solids
Piotr Perzyna
Modern Methods of Analytical Mechanics and Their Applications
Valentin V Rumyantsev and 1 more
Whys and Hows in Uncertainty Modelling
Isaac Elishakoff
Component Reliability Under Creep-Fatigue Conditions
Janos Ginsztler and 1 more
Recent Advances in Boundary Layer Theory
Alfred Kluwick
Free Surface Flows
Hendrik C Kuhlmann and 1 more
High-Cycle Metal Fatigue
Ky Dang Van and 1 more
Mechanics and Design of Tubular Structures
Karoly Jarmai and 1 more
Advanced Turbulent Flow Computations
Roger Peyret and 1 more
Application of Numerical Methods to Geotechnical Problems
Annamaria Cividini
Wavefield Inversion
Armand Wirgin
Computational Gasdynamics
LG Napolitano and 1 more
Kinetic and Continuum Theories of Granular and Porous Media
Kolumban Hutter and 1 more
Optical Methods in Experimental Solid Mechanics
KarlHans Laermann
Neural Networks in the Analysis and Design of Structures
Zenon Waszczysznk
AMST'99 - Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology
Elso Kuljanic
Computational Intelligence in Data Mining
Environmental Applications of Mechanics and Computer Science
Giovanni Bianchi
Method of Integral Relations
W Prosnak
Damage and Fracture of Disordered Materials
Material Instabilities in Elastic and Plastic Solids
Henryk Petryk
Turbulence Structure and Modulation
Alfredo Soldati and 1 more
Environmental Geomechanics
Bernhard A Schrefler
Peter A Davidson and 1 more
Semi-Rigid Joints in Structural Steelwork
Miklos Ivanyi and 1 more
Seismic Resistant Steel Structures
Federico M Mazzolani and 1 more
Multibody Dynamics With Unilateral Contacts
Friedrich Pfeiffer and 1 more
Romansy 13
Adam Morecki and 2 more
Jorge AC Ambrosio
Topics in Finite Elasticity
Michael Hayes and 1 more
Emerging Methods for Multidisciplinary Optimization
Jan Blachut and 1 more
Advanced Numerical Applications and Plasticity in Geomechanics
Vaughan D Griffiths and 1 more
Configurational Mechanics of Materials
Reinhold Kienzler and 1 more
Interfacial Phenomena and the Marangoni Effect
M G Velarde and 1 more
Smart Structures
Azfal Suleman
Gas-Lubricated Bearings of Gyroscopes
G Heinrich
Data Fusion and Perception
Inelastic Behaviour of Structures Under Variable Repeated Loads
Dieter Weichert and 1 more
Selected Topics in Boundary Integral Formulations for Solids and Fluids
Vladimir Kompis
Principles of Nonparametric Learning
Laszlo Györfi
Refurbishment of Buildings and Bridges
Modern Problems of Structural Stability
Alexander P Seyranian and 1 more
AMST'02 Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology
Romansy 14
Giovanni Bianchi and 2 more
Manipulation and Control of Jets in Crossflow
Ann R Karagozian and 2 more
Boundary Element Advances in Solid Mechanics
Dimitri Beskos and 1 more
Theories of Turbulence
Martin Oberlack
Aluminium Structural Design
Frederico M Mazzolani
Advanced Dynamics and Control of Structures and Machines
Hans Irschik and 1 more
Cardiovascular Fluid Mechanics
Gianni Pedrizzetti and 1 more
Multiscale Modeling in Continuum Mechanics and Structured Deformations
Gianpetro Del Piero and 1 more
Modern Trends in Composite Laminates Mechanics
Holm Altenbach and 1 more
Phase Change With Convection
Tomasz A Kowalewski and 1 more
Heavy Current Fluidics
Donald Bain
Mechanics and Thermomechanics of Rubberlike Solids
Guiseppe Saccomandi and 1 more
Moving Interfaces in Crystalline Solids
Franz D Fischer and 1 more
Light Gauge Metal Structures Recent Advances
Jacques Rondal and 1 more
Friction and Instabilities
JAC Martinis and 1 more
Dynamic Plasticity of Metals
John D Campbell
Degradations and Instabilities in Geomaterials
Félix Darve and 1 more
Chemo-Mechanical Couplings in Porous Media Geomechanics and Biomechanics
Benjamin Loret and 1 more
Mechanics of Microstructured Materials
Helmut J Böhm
William B J Zimmerman
Parameter Identification of Materials and Structures
Zenon Mróz and 1 more
Phenomenological and Mathematical Modelling of Structural Instabilities
Marcello Pignataro and 1 more
Problems in Structural Identification and Diagnostics: General Aspects and Applications
Cesare Davini and 1 more
Planning Based on Decision Theory
Giacomo Della Riccia and 3 more
Biomechanics and Sports
Paolo B Pascolo
Multiscale Modelling of Damage and Fracture Processes in Composite Materials
Tomasz Sadowski
Atmospheric Convection
Dario B Giaiotti and 2 more
Nonlinear Dynamical Systems in Economics
Marji Lines
Environmental Stratified Flows
Vincenzo Armenio and 1 more
Introduction to Gasdynamics of Explosions
A K Oppenheim
Applied Micromechanics of Porous Materials
Luc Dormieux and 1 more
Surface Waves in Geomechanics
Carlo G Lai and 1 more
Decision Theory and Multi-Agent Planning
Nonlinear Waves in Fluids
Roger Grimshaw
Nonsmooth Mechanics of Solids
Jaroslav Haslinger and 1 more
AMST'05 Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology
Waves in Geophysical Fluids
John Grue and 1 more
Thin Films of Soft Matter
S Kalliadasis and 1 more
Probabilistic Methods in Geotechnical Engineering
D V Griffiths and 1 more
Multiphase Reacting Flows
Daniele L Marchisio and 1 more
Advanced Earthquake Engineering Analysis
Alain Pecker
Waves in Nonlinear Pre-Stressed Materials
M Destrade and 1 more
Fluid Dynamics of Cavitation and Cavitating Turbopumps
Luca dAgostino and 1 more
Dynamical Analysis of Vehicle Systems
W Schiehlen
Computational Contact Mechanics
Dynamic Methods for Damage Detection in Structures
Antonino Morassi and 1 more
Vortices and Turbulence at Very Low Temperatures
Carlo Barenghi and 1 more
Modern Testing Techniques for Structural Systems
Oreste S Bursi and 1 more
Classical and Advanced Theories of Thin Structures
Antonio Morassi and 1 more
Preferences and Similarities
Giacomo Riccia and 3 more
Computational Aspects of Structural Acoustics and Vibration
Göran Sandberg and 1 more
Sport Aerodynamics
Helge Noerstrud
Simulation Techniques for Applied Dynamics
Martin Arnold and 1 more
Biomechanical Modelling at the Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Levels
Gerhard A Holzapfel
Mixed Finite Element Technologies
Analysis and Control of Mixing With an Application to Micro and Macro Flow Processes
Luca Cortelezzi and 1 more
Advanced Design of Mechanical Systems
Jorge AC Ambrosio and 1 more
Advances of Soft Computing in Engineering
Zenon Waszczyszyn
Pattern Formation at Interfaces
Pierre Colinet and 1 more
Computational and Experimental Mechanics of Advanced Materials
Vadim V Silberschmidt
Advances in Constitutive Relations Applied in Computer Codes
Janusz R Klepaczko and 1 more
Poly-, Quasi- And Rank-One Convexity in Applied Mechanics
Jörg Schröder and 1 more
Instabilities of Flows
Tapan Sengupta and 1 more
Advanced Nonlinear Strategies for Vibration Mitigation and System Identification
Alexander F Vakakis
New Trends in Thin Structures
Paolo de Mattos Pimenta and 1 more
New Trends in Vibration Based Structural Health Monitoring
Arnaud Deraemaeker and 1 more
Cellular and Porous Materials in Structures and Processes
Multiscale Modelling of Plasticity and Fracture by Means of Dislocation Mechanics
Peter Gumbsch and 1 more
Asymptotic Methods in Fluid Mechanics
Herbert Steinrück
ROMANSY 18 - Robot Design, Dynamics and Control
Damage Mechanics and Micromechanics of Localized Fracture Phenomena in Inelastic Solids
George Z Voyiadjis
Impact Engineering of Composite Structures
Serge Abrate
Mechanics and Electrodynamics of Magneto- And Electro-Elastic Materials
Raymond Ogden and 1 more
International Centre for Mechanical Sciences
Reduced-Order Modelling for Flow Control
Bernd R Noack and 2 more
Dynamical Inverse Problems
Graham M L Gladwell and 1 more
K Magnus
Electrokinetics and Electrohydrodynamics in Microsystems
Antonio Ramos
Environmental Wind Engineering and Design of Wind Energy Structures
Charalambos Baniotopoulos and 2 more
Numerical Modeling of Concrete Cracking
Guenter Hofstetter and 1 more
Günter Hofstetter and 1 more
Mechanics of Crustal Rocks
Yves M Leroy and 1 more
Mechanical Behaviour of Soils Under Environmentallly-Induced Cyclic Loads
Claudio Giulio di Prisco and 1 more
Variational Models and Methods in Solid and Fluid Mechanics
Francesco dellIsola and 1 more
Generalized Continua and Dislocation Theory
Carlo Sansour and 1 more
Multiphase Microfluidics
Roberto Mauri
Nondeterministic Mechanics
Isaac Elishakoff and 1 more
Examples to Extremum and Variational Principles in Mechanics
Horst Lippmann
Wave Propagation in Linear and Nonlinear Periodic Media
Francesco Romeo and 1 more
Generalized Continua - From the Theory to Engineering Applications
Generalized Continua - from the Theory to Engineering Applications
Holm Altenbach
New Trends in Structural Health Monitoring
Wieslaw Ostachowicz and 1 more
Water Supply Network District Metering
Armando Di Nardo and 2 more
Romansy 19 - Robot Design, Dynamics and Control
Vincent Padois and 2 more
Noise Sources in Turbulent Shear Flows
Roberto Camussi
Markus J Buehler and 1 more
Dynamic Localization Phenomena in Elasticity, Acoustics and Electromagnetism
Richard V Craster and 1 more
Stochastic Methods in Fluid Mechanics
Sergio Chibbaro and 1 more
Topology Optimization in Structural and Continuum Mechanics
George I N Rozvany
Critical Speeds of Gyroscopes
Gerhard Schweitzer
Plasticity and Beyond
Mechanics of Masonry Structures
Maurizio Angelillo
Dynamics of Mechanical Systems With Variable Mass
Active and Passive Vibration Control of Structures
Peter Hagedorn and 1 more
Isogeometric Methods for Numerical Simulation
Gernot Beer and 1 more
Extremely Deformable Structures
Davide Bigoni
Structure and Multiscale Mechanics of Carbon Nanomaterials
Oskar Paris
The Fluid Dynamics of Climate
A Provenzale and 2 more
Antonello Provenzale
Structure-preserving Integrators in Nonlinear Structural Dynamics and Flexible Multibody Dynamics
Peter Betsch
Advanced Finite Element Technologies
Jörg Schröder
Identification Methods for Structural Health Monitoring
Eleni Chatzi
Fractal Flow Design: How to Design Bespoke Turbulence and Why
Yasuhiko Sakai
ROMANSY 21 - Robot Design, Dynamics and Control
Vincenzo ParentiCastelli
Stochastic Methods in the Dynamics of Satellites
Peter Sagirow
The Art of Modeling Mechanical Systems
Friedrich Pfeiffer
Particles in Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows: Deposition, Re-Suspension and Agglomeration
JeanPierre Minier
Shell-like Structures
Material Parameter Identification and Inverse Problems in Soft Tissue Biomechanics
Stéphane Avril
Advances in Medium and High Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Technology
Marta Boaro
Cavitation Instabilities and Rotordynamic Effects in Turbopumps and Hydroturbines
Collective Dynamics of Particles
Cristian Marchioli
The Role of Mechanics in the Study of Lipid Bilayers
David J Steigmann
Multiscale Mechanobiology of Bone Remodeling and Adaptation
Peter Pivonka
Computational Acoustics
Manfred Kaltenbacher
Variational Principles in Thermo- And Magneto-Elasticity
Herman JH Clercx and 1 more
Ferroic Functional Materials
Vehicle Dynamics of Modern Passenger Cars
Peter Lugner
Lectures on Visco-Plastic Fluid Mechanics
Guillaume Ovarlez
ROMANSY 22 – Robot Design, Dynamics and Control
Vigen Arakelian
Contact Modeling for Solids and Particles
Alexander Popp
Dynamic Stability and Bifurcation in Nonconservative Mechanics
Davide Bigoni and 1 more
Mesoscale Models
Sinisa Mesarovic and 2 more
Global Nonlinear Dynamics for Engineering Design and System Safety
Stefano Lenci and 1 more
Singular Configurations of Mechanisms and Manipulators
Andreas Müller and 1 more
Photoelasticity in Theory and Practice
V Brcic
Advanced Procrustes Analysis Models in Photogrammetric Computer Vision
Fabio Crosilla and 4 more
Topics in Magnetohydrodynamic Topology, Reconnection and Stability Theory
David MacTaggart and 1 more
David MacTaggart
High-Performance Computing of Big Data for Turbulence and Combustion
Sergio Pirozzoli and 1 more
Sergio Pirozzoli
Modeling and Simulation of Tribological Problems in Technology
Marco Paggi and 1 more
Marco Paggi
Substructuring in Engineering Dynamics
Matthew S Allen and 3 more
Fluid Mechanics of Planets and Stars
Michael Le Bars and 1 more
Michael Le Bars
Mechanics of Fibrous Materials and Applications
Catalin Picu and 1 more
Catalin Picu
Novel Finite Element Technologies for Solids and Structures
Transport Phenomena in Complex Fluids
Teodor Burghelea
Modeling in Engineering Using Innovative Numerical Methods for Solids and Fluids
Laura De Lorenzis
A Contribution to the Vector and Tensor Analysis
Zlatko Jankocic
Fluidic Applications
Guido Belforte
Mechanics of Strain Gradient Materials
Albrecht Bertram
ROMANSY 23 - Robot Design, Dynamics and Control
Gentiane Venture
Efficient High-Order Discretizations for Computational Fluid Dynamics
Martin Kronbichler
Controlling Delayed Dynamics
Dimitri Breda
Advanced Theories for Deformation, Damage and Failure in Materials
ROMANSY 24 - Robot Design, Dynamics and Control
Andrés Kecskeméthy
Small Scale Modeling and Simulation of Incompressible Turbulent Multi-Phase Flow
Stéphane Vincent and 2 more
Mechanics and Physics of Fracture
Laurent Ponson
Materials and Electro-Mechanical and Biomedical Devices Based on Nanofibers
Alexander L Yarin and 3 more
Special Problems of Gyrodynamics
Peter C Müller
Radiation Damage. Behaviour of Insonated Metals
Erich Schmid and 1 more
D Besdo
Fluid Dynamics of Jet Amplifiers
Ario Romiti
Application of Holography and Hologram Interferometry to Photoelasticity
The Tragicomedy of Classical Thermodynamics
Clifford Truesdell
Random Theory of Deformation of Structured Media. Thermodynamics of Deformation in Structured Media
DR Axelrad and 1 more
Thermodynamics of Materials With Memory
Bernard D Coleman
Thermodynamics in Contemporary Dynamics
Peter Glansdorff
On the Thermodynamics of Elastic Materials and of Reacting Fluid Mixtures
Morton E Gurtin
Entropy, Absolute Temperature and Coldness in Thermodynamics
Ingo Mueller
Irreversible Thermodynamics of Continuous Media
Kirk C Valanis
Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics
Leopold Müller
An Introduction to the Design of Pattern Recognition Devices
PW Becker
Stochastic Processes With Learning Properties
Sandor Csibi
Algebraic Methods in Pattern Recognition
Juliusz Kulikowski
Mathematical Structure of Finite Random Cybernetic Systems
Silviu Guiasu
An Introduction to the Theory of Automata
Fabrizio Luccio
Random Processes in Mechanical Sciences
Statistical Continuum Mechanics
E Kröner
Stochastic Methods in Mechanics of Granular Bodies
J Litwiniszyn
Optimal Filtering
Approximate Analysis of Stochastic Processes in Mechanics
Josef L Zeman